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From Texas to Kansas with three cats in towDecember 17, 2018

Meet the cats Henry is a large, long (over three feet from nose to tail tip) floppy-bodied dark brown tabby. His white patches glow in the dark. He’s my bestest buddy…there’s no question which human he’s chosen as his. Easy going, super affectionate, quirky sense of humor. Just don’t tell him he looks like a certain famous kitty from Japan…the comparison makes him sad. (Although he does love…

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Cornmeal WafflesNovember 23, 2018

This recipe is an adaptation of the 'Bacon-Cornmeal Waffles' from the legendary 1975 edition of Joy of Cooking. You might wonder why these lack bacon. The answer is that I was looking through the waffle recipes and wanted one that didn't require buttermilk (which I didn't have at the time), and I thought the base of the bacon-cornmeal waffle sounded interesting enough even without bacon, which I…

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Welcome to the new website!November 14, 2018

So why didn't I do a WP install someplace like Digital Ocean? I graduated from a coding boot camp earlier this year, and I wanted to show off my skills. And doing a little bit of styling on a Wordpress blog didn't seem like enough. I wanted a challenge. Since I was trained on the MERN stack, I decided I should build my blog with React.js. And then I learned about a static site generator for React…

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The insanity of my fifth grade poetry projectMay 17, 2015

The teachers' aides at my elementary school must have been obsessed with the laminating and binding machines. And also apparently had an unlimited supply of plastic binding combs. And isn't the way I used to sign my name awesome? First up, some free-standing limericks. Fifth grade me clearly didn't care about meter. The plot of this poem sounds suspiciously similar to an episode of Bottom. Did I…

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New Paradigm DaleksJuly 15, 2010

So far I've done the orange "scientist" and the red "drone". They're a lovely pair, aren't they? But beware. As you'll remember from the episode, they consider older Daleks inferior and will EXTERMINATE! them. You may want to consider this before introducing a New Paradigm Dalek to your household. No one wants to come home and discover this: Anyway, enough chat. Let's get to the real meat of the…

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Enough's a nupp!December 14, 2009

Okay, terrible, horrible pun…shoot me if you must. Anyway, let’s begin several days ago (Saturday night, to be precise). I had reached the end of the transition chart on my Aeolian shawl, which is the very first row of nupps on the piece. Since I’m using a cotton yarn (i.e. very inelastic), I tried to follow her instructions on making the stitches very loose, so I could stick my right needle into…

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The Red Chevron ScarfNovember 26, 2009

Anyway, to show my support for the Red Scarf Project, I decided to finally write up a pattern for the scarf I made my father last Christmas. It's a really easy pattern, and is almost perfectly reversible. I know, enough yakking about the merits of the just want the pattern already! Red Chevron Scarf Yarn: 2 balls Louet Gems Sport Weight (100% superwash merino, 225 yds/100g) in red…

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