About me

My first knitting lesson was just before I turned ten (i.e. sometime in the fall of 1994), and I’ve scarcely spent a day without knitting since then. Although I learned the most basic of basics from my mother (casting on and off, knit/purl, possibly basic decreases), most of what I know came from reading a book or article and experimenting on my own. I also happen to be a decent crocheter (I think my first lesson was roughly a year after I learned to knit), but I’m definitely nowhere near as skilled at crochet as I am with knitting. My first published design, the Awry Hat and Mitts, appeared in Knitscene, Accessories 2015. I have also had four patterns featured so far in Knitty, the latest of which is Feuille-morte, which is also one of the two covers for the Deep Fall 2018 issue.

As for other interests, I've recently finished a coding boot camp in full stack development, specifically the MERN stack. I also collect music in physical formats, although I do not have my turntable even set up at the moment (lack speakers, and my current dac/headphone amp has no analog inputs). As for TV, I'm very much into sci-fi and British comedies. Although I do aspire to be a polyglot, I've let my foreign language skills lapse...in the past I've studied German, Spanish, and French.

What'd you build this page with?

This website is built in Gatsby, which is a static site generator using React.js. Yes, that's right, this blog is React-based and uses GraphQL to grab data. Is this the first knitting blog built in React? Possibly. I'm using Netlify for CMS, CDN, and deployment of this site. I'm using Bulma (and Sass) for the layout.